Sunday, December 30, 2012

Special Thank You to 145 Families

The LLAA Foundation specially thanks the 145 families that have gifted Long Lake's health through the LLAA Foundation with $23,800 for the current fund drive from July 7, 2012 through December 30, 2012. 

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Foundation Fund Drive News

As of 11/7/2012, 130 families have contributed $21,810 to the LLAA Foundation Fund Drive which began July 7, 2012.  The LLAA Foundation Board thanks all of these families!

Forty-four of the 130 families have "Opted Out" of public recognition or did not return the Recognition Form with their donation so the Recognition List is not all-inclusive of the donors. This group donated $5,910 as of 11/7/2012.

The "Donor Recognition" page (above) contains the Recognition List of Guardians who donated $1000 +, Patrons $250 - $999, Supporters $50 - $249, and Friends $49 or less. The group of 86 families that "Opted In" for recognition contributed $15,900 as of 11/7/2012.

The primary goal of this fund drive is for watercraft inspections planned for 2013.  To contribute, send your tax free donation as allowed by law to: LLAA Foundation, PO Box 808, Park Rapids, MN 56470.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

G.F. Hoffman Memorial

The Long Lake Area Association Foundation is honored by the G.F. Hoffman Family to be one of the two foundations recommended for a memorial for G.F. Hoffman, who spent 80 summers on Long Lake and will be greatly missed.

Please select the "Memorials" tab above for donation information.

For more information on G.F. Hoffman, follow this link to the Long Lake Area Association's website: